Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Make it: Challenge Quilt...............................24/365

About a year ago I attended my first Desert Quilters of Nevada Quarterly Quilt Guild Meeting.  I didn't know a soul as I walked in and sat down all by my lonesome.  During the course of the meeting much business was discussed and there was a speaker, Joan Wolfran, who would be teaching the "Curved Piecing" class I was to take that upcoming weekend.  Towards the end of the meeting there was a raffle and I won!  I received 4 lovely fat quarters and a book called:  "When Quilters Gather - 20 Patterns of Piecers at Play by Ruth B. McDowell.

The first page I opened to was one depicting a grandma-type sewing on a quilt.  Immediately this image reminded of my grandma Thune. 

I also happened to sign up to make the challenge quilt using these fabrics:

Yup, those are pigs and some hideous 70's type fabric (although I know for a fact that it is a current print as they were selling fat quarters of it at Quiltique a few weeks ago.)

Hmmm...could it be possible?  I think yes!  The pig fabric lends itself to a perfect flesh color.  Although some would scoff at the idea of using pigs for my grandma's face, I like to think that my grandma would be proud of me for being so inventive.

I went to the local Office Max and it only took me 12 tries to blow the pattern up properly! Actually this gave me confidence about enlarging patterns for future projects. (See? My glass is half-full some of the time!)

Then, I gathered the rest of my fabrics, tools, copied the pattern on the shiny side of the freezer paper and cut apart (top of photo).   Next step is to iron patterns on various fabrics, cut an exactly 1/4" allowance then sew together like a puzzle.  Oops, almost forgot, have to sew a small quilt top for the quilt portion that grandma is sewing on, for that I will use the small squares in the hideous 70's fabric.  Wish me luck!

To be continued.....

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